5 hrs and we'll say goodbye to 2008 and welcome in 2009. How fast time flies...do you all remember the scare of Y2K, when 2000 was coming in and everyone was scared that time was going to stop, that the water was going to run out, that all computers were going to crash!! Remember that!!!
Update on my broken ankle. Saw the specialist yesterday and he removed the fiberglass cast and put my foot in a walking boot. Darned thing looks like something the astronauts wear! I can now touch my foot down to the ground, but very, very slightly, when I am walking with crutches. He said that I can remove it to shower (have to sit on a chair) and that I should be able to take it off while sleeping in about 3 wks. It's coming along faster than I thought. YEAH!!
This year has been an average one for me. I was rear-ended in June by a drunk 15 year old girl, then had emergency outpatient surgery in August, and now my ankle. Yep, a little more illnesses than normal, but a very normal, quiet year in a small town for this small town woman.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, may all our hopes and dreams come true, may the lonely find love, may the unemployed find suitable employment, may those of us who constantly fight the battle of the bulge finally win the war!!
Please be careful out on the road. We just had 3 brothers-in-law die (they were all married to 3 sisters) in a drunk driving accident - they hit a semi 2 days ago. If you drink, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink.
Estela in South TX
12 years ago